Trusted Platforms, DRM, and Beyond

In Eberhard Becker, Willms Buhse, Dirk Günnewig, Niels Rump (ed.): Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal and Political Aspects. S. 178-205. ISBN 3-540-40465-1. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.

06/2003 : Dirk Kuhlmann , Robert A. Gehring

Publikationstyp: Beitrag in einem Buch
Publikationssprache: Englisch
Kategorie(n): IT-Sicherheit , Geistiges Eigentum , Open Source


This article gives an overview of TCPA technology, trusted platforms and digital rights management based on trusted systems. To lay a foundation, we first give an outline of TCPA (v. 1.1b) in terms of its organizational context, its basic features, and some of the critique it has encountered. Next, we present an overview of trusted systems, referring both to the traditional concept of trustworthiness in IT security and more recent attempts to apply this concept to digital rights management. Commonalities and differences between traditional and DRM--focused trusted systems are analyzed. We conclude the article with a discussion about the future of Trusted Platform technology and issues of technology regulation.

In Eberhard Becker, Willms Buhse, Dirk Günnewig, Niels Rump (ed.): Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal and Political Aspects. S. 178-205. ISBN 3-540-40465-1. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.